yes guys I did some work at least something even though I have been neglecting the team at least do something for some grades that they deserve...
I have just done with the name card wanna take a look it is nice though........danish came out with the template while I design it nice right?????!!!Did some things rather than nothing.
Well this is for our tradeshow on Wednesday and hoping the set-up plus the preparation is in order so on that fine day itself no one will rush.....
oh yea tomorrow will be the last day of my Cognitive faci amir so he say he's gonna treat the class so we'll see about that.
Well gotta go guys tmr will be a new day have to revise now for Web and New media.....choaz......(=
I have just done with the name card wanna take a look it is nice though........danish came out with the template while I design it nice right?????!!!Did some things rather than nothing.
Well this is for our tradeshow on Wednesday and hoping the set-up plus the preparation is in order so on that fine day itself no one will rush.....
oh yea tomorrow will be the last day of my Cognitive faci amir so he say he's gonna treat the class so we'll see about that.
Well gotta go guys tmr will be a new day have to revise now for Web and New media.....choaz......(=