Well I had an argument with my mom the other day.
Well argued about lots of things she say that money doesn't grow on trees and all which is true.
Also said that said that stop acting like my friends whatever they buy I wanna buy.
I said that my money is my money and i can do whatever i want with it.
But after the argument I rethink again and it was actually true what my mom said,
I'm still a schoolboy with no income,
and it is right that my mom controls my money for a good reason that she separates it for my transport and my allowances well its for the better even though i feel the pain but at least it is put to good waste not a bad waste.
Someone told me that whatever your mom nags about just keep quiet don't argue or talkback it will haunt you one day even if its bad it will be good someday....
The main point is just shut up when ever your oldman or woman talk,just listen.