Monday, November 16, 2009

15 th november coastal clean-up

Hahha yesterday so damn tired and it was the first coastal clean-up hha and it was best and dirty.
lots of stupid things are there its really not what we really want in a beach.
Guys pls do not throw the rubbish in the sea pls if not our beach will be contaminated.

After the clean-up we went to eat packet food and showered took some random and funny photos of my canoe mates ahha damn random unexpected one's
Our free lunch
On the way back home we had to walk like a long distances a very long while took us around 15 mins damn tiring.Oh yea these thing happen upon reaching bus stop.Wen Da went up to a bungalow house and suddenly a Big dog just pops out and BARK, he was stunned,jumped onto Thomas and grip tight onto his hand haha like one GAY dude haha. Damn funny haha well erm this is some of the pics of the day.






Esmond with Panda Bear