Friday, November 27, 2009


I'm bored seriously bored
as in the only life I have now is canoe canoe canoe
some friends of mine can say I don't have a life.
Are you crazy??All the time canoe what will you gain.
i say to them its the lesson thought and knowledge earn that you will gain....
Lose out in Friends or Lose out in Life

Formal day pictures are not uploaded yet all the time busy with canoe and my GF so much time is occupied wanna have that one day free time to just be with my GF.
today is the most tiring day i had one whole day in Macrithie to train but it was fun trying to get into Raptor again but this time capsize like never before maybe its not my day......

OK time to get to work uploading the formal photos that my friends have been dying of ZOAN hahahaha you crash my lappy.......=)